Friday, May 27, 2011

Looks Like We Live Here

Here are some pictures of the work in progress!

As of last night, there are pictures on the wall... most of the level :)

Simba has adjusted. For those of you who know him... he is back to zooming. His parents are relieved.

Other big notes to mention: I, Megan, can officially drive to Ginny Lou's (cousin), starbucks, and Target without getting lost! Jarrod got us to church without using the GPS. Before long, we'll be pros at navigating Lville's crazy roads.

Did you know that geese hiss?? We walked up to a gaggle today, with Simba, and the momma goose first guided all the baby geese into the water, then turned and hissed at us! Simba is still determined to catch one. Not sure what he would do if he did.

We had a meeting today with a local pastor. We asked him questions about the area and were really seeking to find an internship for Jarrod. With this particular church, the doors were closed. Please pray that the Lord would provide us with this opportunity somewhere. We are anxious to serve.

One HUGE praise... I am gainfully employed!! Starting Tuesday I will be the nurse for The Best Kids Pediatrics. It's a small office near the seminary, focusing most of their care on young children. I am really excited, the staff there seems great. Thank you all so much for praying!

Post again soon about our first days :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Big Trucks Will Grow Your Faith

Well, we made it! We are in our new apartment, which I was pleasantly surprised with to be honest. I had set myself up to expect the worst, never having seen the place prior to signing the lease, but it's going to work out great.

Okay, so the title of this post....I have to give kudos to Jarrod for driving the truck up here. Lessons learned: when towing a car, lefts are easier than right. the repetitious bangs you hear (despite the nagging feeling) do not indicate that the towed car is falling away. semis are deadly and Atlanta is not nearly as scary as middle of no-where Tennessee. We stayed on the phone with each other for as much of the journey as possible.. but there were many occasions where Jarrod would yell out, "hill! gotta go!". The truck would slow down from 60-65 to 50... sometimes 40... and on some of the mountains 35. I have new compassion for truck drivers on inclines, but only then. There were many instances where a big semi would drive by on the downhills of the mountains, and all I could do was pray as I saw the moving truck sway from edge to edge of the lane forced by the wind current of the semi.

In spite of all the drama, we made it! Thank you all so much for your prayers, they carried us.

The Lord provides: we pulled up and found our way to the office to sign paperwork, then realizing the checkbook had not been set aside to pay for said apartment. oops! The manager was so kind and took our word, gave us the keys and when we got back to the apartment for the "tour", the cousins showed up! Thank you thank you thank you! God also sent us new friends from two local churches to unload. Total of 10 people, took us only an hour and a half to unload the truck and put everything at least in the right room! Ginnie Lou, Joy, Brooke and I were mighty women and set up the beds and reattached mirrors; quite the accomplishment. All in all, we felt so blessed by our welcoming crew. Thank you all again!

So we're here in our new home; it doesn't quite feel like home, but it will. Missing friends and family, but Jarrod and I are so excited to be where we know God has called us.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Well.... we've spent the past two weeks packing up everything we own. This process has led me to the conclusion that even at 22 and 26 years old, one can have way too much stuff. I mean really, where does it come from?? I have a washing machine that eats socks and a closet that mass produces odds and ends and gains joy from hiding them from me until now. Sheesh!

It's been a good lesson in communication for Jarrod and I; daily I'm reminded that God has a sense of humor. So, cleaning out our kitchen drawers I find our silverware has rebelled against its organizer and is strewn all over. Trying to be super organized, I start separating all the dinner forks, salad forks, knives..... the piles keep growing and growing! Total: 5 different style utensils, 18 "sets", and approximately 12 extra forks. When I presented this situation to my husband, secretly desiring to purge all the misfits, he responded with "oh wow! those are my favorite forks! we have to keep those!". Defeated, I walked away to regroup - plotting my next attack on the renegade forks.

I'm not the only one who has had a difficult time with the boxes. Simba, our 10 pound miniature poodle, lives in fear of the mighty box-wall. I imagine it's a bit like the scene in The Mummy where Evie is putting books away at the library and ladder starts slowly tipping backwards: fear of imminent crushing. Poor dog. Jarrod has placed empty containers on his head and chased the dog around... promise pics to come later :)

In the end, there's just a bit left to pack! Now if only I could find the tape.....