Thursday, September 27, 2012


Goal: run a half marathon.

Training plan: eat right, hydrate, and chase a newly mobile infant. Whew!

That's right friends, the peanut has learned to crawl..... backwards at least.

It's quite amazing how much ground a 13 pound girl can cover going backwards / rolling in just a few minutes. Perhaps walking is overrated after all.... One of her latest discoveries is the couch. The 1990s fabric has an interesting texture, and an approximately 2 inch gap beneath it which E likes to shove her arms in. We've looked and looked, and other than dust and inevitably some hair, there's nothing under there for her to grab. Maybe it's just the excitement of reaching? 

One recent venture took us to the hallway.... here is what she found:
Who needs toys??

Just in case you haven't seen it all over facebook, we've entered E into a "cutest baby" contest. the winners get a trip to NYC for a cover shoot for this magazine, and a scholarship prize. Help us win! (since we all know there's never been a cuter little girl) . You can vote daily, check out: 

Other news, Jarrod is taking midterms this week. I am so proud of him and how hard he has worked this semester. He's ahead in his reading schedule, learning a ton and has been around so much! E and I are definitely blessed to have such an awesome man in our lives. This next week is fall break, aka start-working-on-your-huge-papers week. He's started a computer training gig on the side, Get Geeked. And, as a true "geek", he now carries his business cards everywhere, want one????

Last weekend we attended a marriage conference at our church, Dr. Danny Akin spoke. It was fantastic, and funny, as all good marriage conferences should be. I praise God for the godly men He has raised up in the SBC to lead our seminaries and churches, men who keep Jesus in the focus and remind us to have fun with our families, all to the glory of God. 

We've become Costco members. (What good Reeds aren't??) Even Eliaya had a good time walking around the warehouse and partaking in the ENORMOUS amount of free samples. Perhaps the coolest event of the day was all the freebee's we got sent home with: water, batteries, granola bars, and a chicken. This is, most definitely, my favorite picture of Eliaya... pretty much ever. You can bet this will make it's debut at her wedding someday :)

hahahahaha.... ok, ok, catch my breath... whew..... best face ever. I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.

Well, nap time is quickly ending and the laundry is beckoning.... Thanks for checking in. Have a blessed day!

the Reeds

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Surgery in the Parking Lot

All is well in the Reed house!

I know with the lack of updates you must have been wondering. I kept sitting down to start writing... only to be pulled away to edit a paper, change a diaper, or discover our daughter had lodged herself under the kitchen table. Ah, the joys of seminary-motherhood.

Another semester is underway, and as always, the first week was filled with schedule changes, school supply shopping, mild panic attacks and overwhelming praise the the God who is faithful. Jarrod is signed up for New Testament 1, Greek syntax, missiology, and an applied ministry course. Intense, but he's really excited about them.

Perhaps the most exciting update is with Eliaya (of course). She's growing like a weed; I finally went through her clothes to sort out what doesn't fit anymore, and the last of the newborn onesies have been put away! Yesterday she turned 5 months old! We started her on rice cereal and a new nickname has developed: little birdie. Check out the video of her first taste!
............. (6 tries and an hour later)....... okay, so that wont load. Here's a picture instead!

The grape: she and I have been through a lot. She's been around for almost 20 years, accompanied me on road trips too numerous to count, saw me through college, and stretched gas to unheard of limits. In case you were wondering, the grape is my car. Or rather, it was my grandma's car and then mine. She's been on her last leg for quite some time. Mechanics laugh when I come to pick her up from getting an oil change as they hand me the ream of paper listing all her illnesses. Poor girl.  Well, her alternator died. Jarrod was feeling like quite the surgeon, so with the help of a good friend, he attempted to revive her. Hence the title of this post, our parking lot became the site of a car "code blue".

IT WORKED! I think another facet of seminary is becoming a "jack-of-all-trades". Regardless, it was cause for much celebration. The grape lives on, at least for another season :)

Next update I'll throw in a bunch of pictures, Eliaya's getting so big!

Thanks for reading, have a blessed day!

-the Reeds