Monday, December 10, 2012

End of One Chapter, Beginning of Another

This is it, our last week here. Whoa; reality has the ability to snap in focus faster than a stubbed toe sometimes.  We have a ton of packing left to do, not to mention more people we want to see and say goodbye to than we possible have time to do. Any takers for 30 hour days?  ...........kidding!...........

Recently had a deliteful girl's night (no kids! it was crazy... and quite, haha). The "creative juices" started flowing.... and they just haven't stopped! Realizing this will probably be a fad in my life, I've tried to take full advantage of this right-sided brain function. Projects have included: FINALLY getting my sewing machine to work (bobbin assembly had a backwards piece... thank you YouTube) and therefore making my first shirt. Followed by making baby-in-the-bathtub punch for a party, baking apple pie bites with cream cheese dip (see pic below), not to mention making a slew of (decent) homemade Christmas presents! 
*side note, if you receive said homemade present.... be gracious... it is my 1st time... haha :)

I told Jarrod I've discovered my second favorite way to relief stress(a good cleaning still ranking #1) ..... pinterest. I admit it... I have finally caved into the craze. You can find some really neat stuff to make on there! I have to limit myself to 10-15 minutes at a time, it's definitely addicting.

Other news: Eliaya has graduated to the big kid bathtub.  She wasn't super sure about it the first time.... so Simba jumped in to make her comfortable!  We had the water running and he came charging from the living room and just hopped on in. Jarrod and I just stood there baffled. Normally we have to drag him into the bathroom, then lure him with treats into the tub for a bath. Perhaps he has a new affection for Eliaya since she said his name first and all.

Pray for little miss Eliaya, and our whole family really. I came down with an upper respiratory bug... I know, ANOTHER one. I promise I do wash my hands near constantly. Now Jarrod is stuffed up and Eliaya spent the better part of last night up coughing and crying. Please pray with us that this sickness would leave before the big move next week!

The topic of much discussion in our house has been the implementation of Christmas traditions. Both Jarrod and I come from families steeped in silly and sweet rituals. Previous years we just created a hodge-podge of traditions to call our own, but now we have Eliaya and we really want to create some memories around this most special time of year. It's so easy to get caught up in the busyness and honestly, selfishness of this season and forget why it is we can celebrate. Jesus, God with us, came to us. What a wonderful, beautiful, and most amazing thing!

Don't fear, we're not throwing the proverbial baby out with the bathwater. I think there is plenty of room for family celebrations, decorating our home, sending cards and gifts, cinnamon rolls and little smokies for breakfast, and all our favorite Christmas movies. (Miracle on 34th Street and Elf being the top runners, of course).  We want to have fun this Christmas; most of all we want to honor our King and teach Eliaya to do the same. Looks like she's off to a good start........
Eating the camel of our nativity

8 months old!

We pray that you are taking time to praise the Lord this Christmas season, and that it brings your family and friends closer together and fun times are had by all. 

Here's to the last Louisville edition,
-the Reeds