I find during pregnancy that I am especially susceptible to creative advertising. If some entree has 4-point vocab words in its description, I'm going for it. If a box says this product will replace 4 in your kitchen, I'll want it (despite the fact that I don't even have / use the 4 items it would be replacing....) And man oh man am I in trouble if the late night info-mercials start rolling. Take away the phone!
eating, she is whole heatedly convinced that she
Spoiled is an adequate term for E. She has very generous grandparents who have showered her with toys. Some of them are quite fun - she has this vacuum which sings as you push it along. E will walk it a few feet, then stop to dance to the music. Video to come later. With all the toys, you'd think she'd be content always. But the highlight of this child's week was going to Costco and getting a giant box. There are so many uses for a box- it's a hiding place, it's a stage, it's a reading corner, it's a climbing station, it's a great dog chaser... the uses go on and on!
Lesson being, we think we have need of many things. We crave. We've been taught to seek more and more and more, even past what we know we need. Stockpile. Hoard. Approach life with a "what can I get" mentality. When the truth is, there's only one thing, one Person, who will truly and fully satisfy those deep longings. Jesus. Matthew 6:8 "your Father knows what you need before you ask Him". What would we look like if instead we sought more and more stuff we worked to have deeper relationships, first with Christ then with others? I'm surprised by the life lessons I learn from watching E. She would rather play with mommy and a box than all the noise-making-light-flashing toys in existence. Would I rather spend time with Jesus and being like Him than at the pool, watching a movie, etc?