Wednesday, December 17, 2014

All About E2!

In two days my little baby will be one year old. Whoa!

In celebration of this, and the fact that she survived life with E1 so far, here's a run down of facts about this amazing little girl:

-She has two teeth, FINALLY!
- She weighs about 19 pounds. Scratch that, weighed in at a whopping 17.5 pounds today. Where does all that food go??
- She took her first steps on 12/12 and has repeated the feat a few times, though she still much prefers to crawl or push the grocery cart
- She can say a myriad of words: dada, mama, yiya (E1), ba-ba (Simba... or any other animal we think),  and uh-oh which is hands down her favorite
- Her favorite food is cheese, though it's probably best to just leave it as she likes to eat. EVERYTHING
- While she lights up when mommy or daddy come into the room, the one who can really make her smile is E1. I am so so thankful for their relationship and pray they will care for and be friends with each other always.
- She loves looking at the Christmas tree. E1 often goads her into pulling ornaments off so that she can re-hang them. I foresee many interesting predicaments these two will get themselves into and E2's line will be "but sissy made me do it!"

 Happy Birthday sweet Elora!!

Friday, December 12, 2014


"Surrounded"-to enclose on all sides, encompass (

There are times, many throughout the day, where this is a true state for me. I'm surrounded by dirty clothes/dishes/children/dog, mile long to-do lists, drivers who refuse to use their turn signals, clutter, long lines at the get the picture.
But I want to take this a different way.

It's Christmas time, a season to reflect on Jesus's coming to live the perfect life we're called to and fail at achieving, dying the death we deserve and being powerfully raised from the dead and seated at the right hand of the Father. Let the enormity of that settle on you! It's HUGE! The all-powerful, entirely set-apart, creator of all things saw fit to add to glorify Himself in rescuing rebels and making them His children. The highest of all powers chose to be born in the lowest of lows, a stable. (E1 says "baby Jesus had a stinky bed with all da aminals")
When I think of myself, all I see is obstacles making my life difficult (see list above). But when I slow down and think about Christmas, really consider the great lengths God goes to in calling us to Himself, I stop focusing on the stained t-shirts and messy table and instead see how surrounded I am by God's love. Romans 1 and Matthew 5 tells us that God shows Himself and His immense kindnesses to all people, and I can attest to many particular ways He's loving me. I challenge you, as I am myself, to make a list of ways you see God working in your life. Then, be thankful. 
Out of thankfulness sprouts obedience. 

Hebrews 12:1-2 says "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses(examples of life lived in faith listed in ch 11, the pinnacle being Jesus), let us throw off the weight that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

In light of the life and example of Jesus, endure this race. Ditch the selfishness, it only tangles you up. Leave behind the cares of this world, they'll do you no good. Avoid cultivating a critical heart, it will mislead you. Instead, dwell on Christmas. Meditate on the miracle of God's rescue offered to mankind. Walk in obedience.

Jarrod's "YAY! I survived this semester" face

So yes, I am surrounded by a myriad of to-dos and clean-ups and the like..... but more importantly this Christmas, I'm surrounded by Christ. I pray you are too.

Merry Christmas,
-the Reeds
yes.... there are 10 ornaments on two branches...

Friday, November 14, 2014

The merry-go-round

GOSH! How does a whole month go buy so fast?! Note to self... gotta get some more structured time to write here....

I've reached a milestone this year, my so-called "golden birthday", where I turned the same age as the date. Exciting I know. Anyway, while this year is marked by many many many awesome experiences.... there is one tragic occurrence. I can no longer do the spinny rides. And I'm not talking about the teacups-of-death at Disney, I mean spinning of any type. How did I come to this conclusion? One sunny day the girls and I headed to the playground which was totally empty, allowing E1 to run rampant enjoying all aspects of the jungle  as she wanted in an even faster than usual pace. Struggling to keep up while holding E2, I coaxed her onto the small merry go round. After a lesson recapping that holding on was a good idea and jumping off a bad one, she climbed on and I spun the wheel. Much excited-little-girl giggles ensued and I was moved to join in on the fun. BIG MISTAKE. Not even a full trip around the wheel and I could feel my stomach turn. "But," I thought to myself, "I am a strong woman. I can handle this". Three more cycles past my original standing point and I had to admit defeat. My green face, dazed eyes and stomach in my throat all bared witness against me. The worst part was since I had E2 in my arms, I was nervous to just hop off (after all, the earlier lesson explained that to be a bad idea!) so I had to wait two more long turns before I could safely get off! The girls, being so easy and care-free, were not effected at all and immediately wanted to scale the next adventure. A few deep breaths and a vow to skip that ride next time, I stumbled along to the nearest bench to recover :)

While it can be sad when the end of an era comes, it is thrilling and joyous when a new one starts. Here's a quick recap of the new seasons in the Reed house:

-E1: oh, where to begin! This girl has got personality and imagination to spare. The other day while riding in the car she told me that she had "the toot-toots" (why she commonly refers to GI functions in repeated monosyllabic utterances, I have no idea). When asked if she needed to go to the bathroom, she thought for a moment and told me, "No momma, I just have toot-toots. I have toot-toots all the time, for seven years!"  Two and a half down, 4 and half more to go.....
She also has a new night-time hobby. After she's tucked in and has "read" in bed for a while, we turn out the lights and she lays down peacefully. About an hour or two later Jarrod and I will hear a loud noise. We turn off the music in our room and listen again.... now we can hear it clearly, E1 is singing, LOUDLY, in her bed. Walking to her room ready to discipline and tell her to get back in bed we were surprised to find the light was still off, and she was still neatly tucked into her bed. And singing. Her latest single reminds me much of the movie "Elf". "I'm in my bed.... I'm singing!!!..... Where's my book? fewnifoebnides (gibberish ensues)"

-E2: This little girl is almost a year old! She is working on standing and loves to be included in what ever E1 is doing. We've noticed that she wants to be near the action, but not always a part of it like E1 did. E2 is content to sit next to you while you're working on a dramatic too. Ever watch 7th Heaven? If I had to pick, I imagine E2 will be a bit like Lucy.
project and play with her own toy. But... she can be
When she is overwhelmed or gets bumped by E1 or is hungry or can't move fast enough, (you get the picture), she sits on her bottom and falls, face first, to the floor where she cries. She wont turn her head to the side but does lift up occasionally to regroup and assess if anyone is paying attention to her. She tried this manouver in the bathtub yesterday after E1 took a toy from her, and I think she learned when around water, falling face first is not the best of ideas. (Don't worry, I was right there and helped her sit up quickly and cough out all the water!)

-Jarrod: home stretch of this semester! The (hopefully) LAST FALL SEMESTER for seminary! Assuming he survives these next two and half weeks, he'll be down to just three classes (2 in the spring, 1 in summer). PRAISE THE LORD. Aside from utter dependence on God and seeking wisdom on how to divide up time for too many tasks and too little time, he is really growing and being challenged to help those who are Life group / Bible fellowship group / Sunday school teachers teach effectively and rightly. There's been a lot of sorting through perceptions and notions to uncover beliefs and helping highlight the importance of good doctrine.
Jarrod also had a big birthday recently! Thanks to the help of many people, I was able to throw him a surprise party, luau themed. Believe it or not, he really was surprised! There was a great turnout of friends and family from all over. So thankful for this man!

-Me: The biggest new chapter for me officially starts tonight: working at a crisis pregnancy center. I have been searching for an outlet for my love of working with and teaching pregnant women and talking with people pointing them to the amazing Savior. Do you know how many children are sacrificed to our self-worship every year? That's a large part of what abortion amounts to, valuing our perceived "life as it should be" more than the life of the unborn. I've heard and read stories, I know there are difficult situations... but trying to fix one wrong with another one never makes a right. Please pray for me, that I would study Scripture faithfully and soak in my training time, and mostly that God would see fit to use me, an imperfect-covered-by-grace-dependent-on-Jesus woman, to help another woman choose life.

So with the end of one season, be it school or work or playground rides, comes the beginning of another. I pray we would embrace the moment and be thankful. Know God has you right here, right now, for a purpose

till next time,
-the Reeds

Monday, October 20, 2014

Fall is Here!

Watching the news this morning I saw freeze warnings in New England. While others are bracing for winter Floridians are celebrating the long awaited arrival of FALL!!!!

Favorite fall things:
- you can eat pumpkin and apples at every meal
- going for a walk to get the mail with the girls does not result in copious sweating and a bath for everyone afterwards.
- As much as I enjoy the smell of fresh flowers, nothing beats the crisp air outside and cinnamon candles!
- Trips to the park are now limited by how much energy the girls have, not the temperature of the slide
- Pumpkin patch! to follow....
- Maybe it's just me, but there's something about a cool morning that urges me to sit in the rocking chair with my Bible and a cup of coffee.

I could go on and on, but to say they least, the Reed house loves fall. Here are a few pictures from our adventures so far.

Painting pumpkins. E1 was soooo excited, she ended painting 3-4 layers before putting her handprint on it.
 E2's side of the pumpkin. Life lesson learned....
Getting smooth footprints off a (now 10 MONTHS OLD!!) baby is difficult, extremely so when she's ridiculously ticklish!
finished product

this little girl is 10 MONTHS OLD

Throwing hay at the pumpkin patch

Daddy helping E1 up to "Noah's Ark"

Happy with Friends!

Ah! Be still my heart! Love these two little girls!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Family Driven Faith

At the encouragement of my hubby, who is all too familiar with my brain's propensity to learn something then quickly "misplace" that info upon the arrival of something new.... here's a few thoughts from a book I recently finished.......

Family Driven Faith by Voddie Baucham Jr.

This book was a perfectly timed read for me; it gives Scriptural encouragement for my season in life. Perhaps the biggest take-away was a strong charge to parents that it is our God-given responsibility and task to to disciple our children. This is not a single chat to be had casually one afternoon, an osmosis-effect our children will experience simply because they are around ample Christian books / music / people, nor is it a chore to be handed off to "the trained professionals " (aka church staff). Disciplining our kids is a day-in, day-out, when you wake up, when you eat, when you walk, when you lie down task (see Deuteronomy 6). There isn't a shortcut. This effort must be bathed in prayer, built on Scripture and woven into the very fabric of family life. While this sounds intimidating and beyond my abilities, Baucham shows the same God who charges me with this task also enables me for it. I can pray, I can read and study the Bible, I can discuss big truths and work out the implications for my life because God has given His Spirit to Christians. I can genuinely worship God in front of and with my family.

Pairing with this great encouragement and charge to "bring them up in training and instruction of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4), Baucham brings a glimpse of the current reality showing the vast number, majority even, of kids raised in the church today will no longer be involved in church by the end of their freshman year of college. Why? Baucham writes about the lack of discipleship in the home, the absence of understanding that how we act / what we do is derived from what we believe, and the battle of priorities (our children's spiritual growth vs academics / athletics /etc). He says, when others remark that the limits he places on his children will drive them to 'go wild' when they leave the nest, "The question is not whether our children sin later in life. The question is, do we have a biblical obligation to train them before they leave the home? Is there any biblical validity to the idea that Christian parents should allow their children to experiment with ungodliness? ... We look at the biblical mandate and compare it to societal norms, ... we believe somehow we are depriving our children of experiences that will make them more liked, more respected, more normal. Hence we trade in the biblical standard for a cultural norm that hovers just below mediocrity." The world around me doesn't know what's ultimately best for me / my kids / my family, God does.

Though E1 is only 2 years old, this book really impressed upon me the need to have a family game plan for her (and E2's) spiritual development. We need to be a family that is worshiping together at home and at church. I need to take every opportunity, even now, to talk about God with her and to share the beautiful truths of the Gospel. We need to guard our home from the ever-growing, constantly-changing, never-enough to-do list of what the world says every child needs in order to become a godly man/woman and go to the Creator for wisdom and guidance on how to fulfill this HUGE and AWESOME task of raising a family of faith.