These are memories I want to keep:
- E1 is fascinated by bugs. She'll ask "momma, this nice bug or mean bug?" Nice ones she'll stoop down to inspect and push along out of the road and into the grass. Mean ones (ones that bite), she frantically waves her arms in the air while running away.
- She got a bug bite on her leg. We talked about it all the time, "momma, leg itchy!". Now every itch, be it on her leg, arm, belly or nose.... it's a bug bite. When I tried to tell her it was just at itch, "no momma, bug bite and a itch".
- Potty training, while it results in a little more laundry (what's a few more shorts anyway?), yields tons of interesting conversations. I didn't think the "birds and the bees" talks would start this young! I keep rehearsing a line from the show 7th Heaven, 'if we talk about it all the time, it'll be less awkward'. Not to that point yet.... but hopefully before puberty strikes :)
- E2 has learned that going backwards is frustrating when what you want is in front of you. She's working on crawling, but can only go that one direction.... for now.
I love my girls and this season where they are both so young and we spend so much time together. I am not the perfect mom: I miss teachable moments, begrudge reading a book for the 5th time that afternoon, try to will the clock forward to 8pm when it's only 5. But I want this time to matter. I know it's fleeting. I know my job is to cling to the cross and raise these girls to be young women equipped to love the Lord with their whole hearts and live their lives in line with that love. What a blessing that we get to have fun along the way!