Wednesday, September 14, 2011

2 + 1 = 3

Well, it's true. The Reed clan is growing from 2 (plus Simba of course) to 3!! Jarrod and I found out we were pregnant just before our 2 year anniversary. I had suspicions before then, but because we had had so many false alarms before, I decided to keep waiting to test.

Well, the morning before our anniversary, I woke up at the crack of dawn and just couldn't wait any longer! The test seemed to take forever, but there was an undeniable "+". After recovering from my own shock and amazement, I began plotting how to break the news to hubby. Retrospect, I probably should have waited till at least 7am to break the news... but when you're excited and entirely unable to keep exciting news a secret well... sometimes you just can't :)

I found a picture frame, which I'm still not sure where it came from, but it had "Dad" written on the top. I decided I would give him that with the test and let him groggily figure it out. Here's a picture of the present:
He definitely didn't get it at first. The frame he said, "um, okay? I guess this can be for a picture of dad and I". It wasn't until I told him to look closely at the other present that the wheel started turning. "Is that a plus??" was followed by multiple tennis-watching glances and then mushy romantic stuff which I will conveniently leave out....

I think we were both really in disbelief for a while after this. We went about celebrating our anniversary, as described in a previous post, and decided to keep it just between us for a few weeks to make sure it wasn't a false alarm. THAT WAS SO HARD! Part of the reason I haven't been updating this blog very often is because I knew I was likely to spill the beans early :)

My favorite story to share, aside from telling Jarrod, is how we told his parents. We knew we wanted to do something special, since we couldn't tell them in person. So one day while at the grocery store, I saw these cute onesies that said "I heart grandma" and "I heart grandpa". They were too cute, and gender neutral!, so I got them. We then wrote a letter which said they could not open the rest of the package until we were on skype with them (oh boy... getting them hooked up to skype is a funny story to share sometime...). Then the anxious waiting began. Of course, Susan called at least 2 or 3 times while I was waiting for them to get the package, and I tried so hard to bite my lip and not let anything suspicious be said. Finally, they called us saying they had received a present from us. We got on skype, small talked for a while, then told them to simultaneously open their gifts.
Susan's reaction: gasp... tennis-match-watching between the gift and us, "no! no no no no no way! oh my gosh, are you serious?!?!?!?! Ahhhhh!!!! " tears. (the volume continuously increased throughout this dialogue, you understand). And finally a big smile.
Wayne's reaction: "oh!" and a very content grin. I believe now is precisely when he started praying for a granddaughter. haha.

We've had our first doctor's appointment, everything looks good and we've already been showered with tons of love and advice and baby necessities. There's tons more to say, but it will have to wait for another time. Promise to keep everyone posted!

We love you,
the Reeds

1 comment:

  1. That's an amazing story. I'm so excited for you guys. Love you very much and I know you're gonna be awesome parents :o)
