Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Igloos and Eskimos and Ice?

In a whole new way, I understand Sanka's confusion regarding the North. Florida's not quite Jamaica and Kentuky's not quite Canada... but still the Reed family felt unprepared to deal with the thick sheet of ice awaiting us on the windshield Saturday, and Sunday, mornings. All remnants of our summer clothing have vanished into storage bins while every fleece, sweatshirt, hat and gloves we can find has taken its place. So far, I've learned that old ID cards and cd cases work as great scrapers. This weekend's shopping excursions will definitely include one, probably even two, of those little ice scrapers.

Now our clothing, more so than our Florida license plates, gives us away as southerners. I took Simba our for a walk the other day, wearing pants, long sleeves, and jacket and a hat, and passed two other dog-walkers: one in shorts and a sweatshirt, the other, a child in a shirt and short sleeve shirt. What are these crazy people thinking??? Don't they know it's cold? 

Jarrod is on the home stretch of the semester, praise the Lord! He has just a few small papers, three finals, and probably 200=300 pages left to read. Yay! He has done so well managing time, learning the material and really seeking to apply it. He's always asking, 'How does this influence my Tuesday? What does this mean for a pastor?'  I am so thankful to have married a godly man. 
Work is going great for him too: we jokingly call him a 'general' of the Geek Squad. He received three bronze stars for having people write positive comments about him on the store survey. Apparently, it's been quite the cause of co-worker competition! The other guys he works with ask 'hey, where did you get those??'

We are slowly getting more settled here. Though, admittedly, we are super excited to flip the calendar to November today.... 3 weeks till we get to see family!! 
Speaking of family, today I became an aunt! Congrats to my sister and bro-in-law. The boys are adorable! Can't wait to meet them :)
Baby Reed is growing like a weed: consequently I am eating like a starved horse, haha. Went in for a quick check last week and everything is going well. Baby Reed has decided my bladder makes an excellent tap-dance surface, but hey, I'll gladly trade the sickness for this anytime! Two weeks will we find out whether pinks or blues are in order. Really, this month is just full of exciting things. I get these emails telling me "Baby Reed is the size of a ______ this week" (becoming a mango), and it hit Jarrod and I. We're going to be parents. In a few months. A real baby. Walked by a mango in the grocery store. Whoa. The Lord is so good.  

On a side note. We are so thankful for the calling God has given us to serve Him. We realize more and more how blessed we were, growing up in the churches we did. We saw awesome men and women of God who were humble servants, giving all they had for the flock they tend. 

Sorry for the short update, but I promise pictures of life in Louisville and holiday festivities are to come! Thanks for reading and praying for us. Love,
the Reeds

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