Wednesday, October 3, 2012

6 months!

Can't believe Eliaya is already half a year old!

Went to the doctor today, Eliaya is up to 14lbs 11oz (25th percentile, watch out!) and her length is right on target too. So so glad we are out of the "we're concerned about her weight gain" stage. The MD asked about her movement and verbalization, and in perfect timing E starts "bababababa" as she rolls onto her belly and starts rocking on her hands and knees. Doc says, well, she's very well developed!

Jarrod is at work now, every other moment is filled with books. He's been reading sooooo much! I can definitely tell his ability to read quickly has improved. He will be in class all day Friday and Saturday for New Testament but then that class is done! After this semester, I think there's only 12 more classes to go!

I joke about there being something in the water here, pregnant women everywhere... but now I'm serious. Work has been consistently busy for the past month. It's still an amazing thing to be part of so many family's life-changing moment, welcoming a child into the world. I had an..... interesting experience the other day..... let's just say I feel fully "inducted" into the L&D club, haha.

We hung the johnny jump up, without the chair attachment this time :), in the kitchen. E seems to really enjoy it. She'll bounce and watch Simba run back and forth.

Pray for Jarrod these next few weeks. He has been given the opportunity to preach at a church where a friend of ours is pastor. He'll be preaching about the Lord's Supper. I know he has been faithfully studying the Word and is eager to share what he's learned. Pray that it would be a message used to encourage believers and bring non-believers into the fold. 

It's beginning to look, and feel, like fall :) Favorite time of year. Eliaya really likes to crumple the yellow leaves we find on our walks. Maybe yellow will be her favorite color? *note to self... be sure to teach her to avoid yellow snow.......

We hope you are doing well, growing in Christ-likeness. 

Till next edition,
-the Reeds

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