Friday, September 13, 2013

Slow Down Momma!

We joke that Eliaya has hit the "tornado" phase. Anyone with recent toddler experience probably doesn't need me to expound upon this - essentially E has two speeds, off and 110% go. She can tip apart a clean room in a matter of seconds. Nothing holds her in one place for very long. And her path is chaotic. Try as we may to curb her in one direction, she veers off onto an unexpected path. 

So I have tried to adjust and keep her busy busy busy, not staying in any one place too long and always changing up the venue for our adventures. It's exhausting! I was reminded today of the common reaction to Jesus' words in the Gospels. People were amazed. They stopped what they were doing, even if it was really important and came to see this Man who spoke with great authority. When He commanded the evil spirits out of a man the people replied "And they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, “What is this? A new teaching with authority!" (Mark 1:27). Upon forgiving the sins and healing the lame man, Scripture says "that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!” (Mark 2:12). Even His disciples, those who were with Him all the time are shown as being amazed by His words. (Mark 10:24). 

While at the zoo with friends this morning, E would run full-speed ahead to what ever exhibit caught her little eye. But once she found something, be it a fish, giraffe, or just the flowers along the sidewalk. She stopped. I would call her along, trying to keep the busy-beaver pace so she wouldn't get bored, but she marveled, stood amazed, by the flower. I could see The little wheels in her brain going, taking in the beauty of God's creation. Though her understanding of God is very basic, she is amazed by Him. She takes time to take in the little details revealing His beauty and majesty. 

The Lord often uses E to show me how to be genuine. I'm thankful my God is amazing. I
want to take more time to let myself be amazed by Him. Though life seems to be going 100 miles an hour all the time, I need to slow down. To stop what, though it's important, prevents me from just standing amazed before Him. Mommas, take time to slow down!

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