Oops. Life happened and I totally forgot / didn't make time for this. I don't regret what I gave my attention to, but do wonder what funny stories and life lessons I've experienced but neglected to make note of and over time.... will probably forget.
Well, better late than never!
Starting with E1. At two and half, she is as busy as ever! We went to the park the other day and the any help! I turned around and her feet were eye level for me. With a big grin and proclaimed "look momma! I did it!"
immense changes she's gone through this year really hit me. I used to have to hold her hand to go up the winding stairs to the slide, to hop on the teeter-totter, to walk on the balance beam. Now, not only can she do those things, she scaled a rock climbing boulder without
I can see her heart developing too. She has compassion on her sister when she cries. She'll hold E2's hand and gently say "it's okay sissy, it's okay". But, mind you, the strong will is ever present too: "mine!" is atop the bad word list in our house right now. We want to teach her that all things are God's, He made them so they belong to Him and He is so kind to let us use them for a time, and therefore we should gladly share what we've been given. Pray for her, that's a big lesson for a little girl.
On a funny note, we are learning about inside voice vs outside voice and while she understands that concept... this child is the loudest whisperer ever! So life lesson.... never tell her something you don't want repeated very loudly :)
A few weeks ago E1 was given the privilege to be the flower girl for Jarrod's brother's wedding. She had been looking forward to this day for MONTHS. No joke. Daily I was asked "momma, I wear my tutu for the wedding??" When the day finally arrived I thought she might just die of joy. She couldn't wait to head down the aisle.... until the doors opened that is. When she saw the 150+ people making eyes at her... it was all over! I somewhat gently coaxed her to take two or three steps and drop a few flowers, then once she saw Jarrod standing at the end of the aisle she made a break for it! Everyone chuckled and commented how cute she was. What impressed me the most was this little girls danced her heart out for two hours at the reception! Non-stop movement, and she only wanted to be a solo act, a cousin came to hold her hands and dance together and she wouldn't have it ;)
And E2, it's been a huge period of growth for her too! I feel like daily she's conquering a new feat andeverything (both food and non-food substances....) and is finally starting to sleep better at night.
more and more adventurous. Today she's 9 months old and can stand up, crawl up small stairs, eats pretty much everything (both food and non-food items)
First word: dada
Then momma and we're pretty sure the third is "whoa". At first we thought it was just a baby sound... but she says it every time E1 does something wild. Perhaps she thinks that's her sissy's name? Just one more piece of evidence that E1 will be our ER child.
E2 also got to wear a pretty tutu for the wedding. I'm sure a billion pictures of it will be posted soon.
I am continually impressed that the Lord saw fit to bless us with these two little ones. While some moments, and even days, can be hard... they're a blessing. Jarrod and I comment daily on how thankful we are for family! The Bible really is true that marriage is a gift and children are a blessing from the Lord. Treasure them!
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