Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Ministry of "Yes"

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up the habit of meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25

The Lord has used these verses the past few months, and the past weeks especially, to teach me a huge lesson... one that calls me to a counter-cultural lifestyle.

Admittedly, there are more than a few times I feel the pressure to "have it all together", or at least to put on a convincing show of such. You know what I'm talking about.... those Sunday mornings when you're rushing to church, frustrated because one child can't find his or her shoes, the other is an emotional wreck because her favorite dress has to be washed (she's worn it the past 5 days after all), and something in the kitchen smells putrid... but you can't find it, then you walk into the building and a smiling face greets you "Hello! How are you doing today? How was your week?" Moment of truth....  "We're great! It's been an awesome week!" and you quickly walk away and try to remove the hangar prying your lips into a smile :/

I'm quite confident there's a ruckus of "amen"s going on out there. We all feel this at times. This isn't the post to deal with living transparently vs wisely sharing life details, but instead an encouragement for what to do next. Jarrod and I talk often of what opportunities we have to serve others in the up-coming days; it's been ingrained to us that as believers, this is what we do. And that's totally true. Even before accepting the call to come out west as pastor for GHBC, our family was called to serve others. There are a plethora of examples of Jesus charging the apostles to serve (ie: John 13:14-17) and of the apostles urging all believers to do the same (1 John, Galatians 2).

God has been teaching me that a great ministry, one that I have often overlooked, is the one of saying "yes" to others serving our family. So often I want to be the one serving and growing in my faith through those opportunities, I forget that in order for others to experience the same blessing, I have to say "yes".  When juggling groceries, a diaper bag & three kiddos then the neighbor asks if he can carry something for me.... I should say yes. When a friend at church asks if they can hold a cranky baby or help your preschoolers get to their class..... I should say yes. When my husband asks if he can help with getting dinner to the table.... I should say yes.

I don't have to have it all together. Praise Jesus, He is enough to carry me and my mess. He graciously gives us the body to build one another up. When I think of reasons why I most often say no to offers of help, it's because I don't want to seem weak. (Lame, I know!). I am weak. More than weak. Without Jesus I am dead. In Him, I have new life... a life He says is for doing together with other believers. In our world where self-sufficiency is king, others will look at us differently as we lovingly depend on each other.

Self-directed sermon over. Thank you all for being used by the Lord to teach me this!

1 comment:

  1. I have been struggling with this a bit too! I am realizing that I have idolized my role as a mom and I want so badly to do it right and finally be in a rhythm where I don't need extra help that I forget that it's GOD who is in charge of how my kids end up. Without first seeking His Kingdom my efforts to "be the best mom" I can be are totally worthless. For me, God has been using sleep deprivation and anxiety to bring this idol to my attention. Do I believe that God is faithful to accomplish His will in my life and my children's lives even when I am sleep deprived and am always in need of some assistance. Sounds so silly when I put it that way but that's what has been on my heart lately!! I idolize the image of "having it all together" like you said. We are such sinners!!! Thankful for the cross and his faithfulness to keep growing my faith.
