Sunday, April 14, 2013

Where your heart is.....

There your treasure will be also.

What is treasure? When I was 6 it was my beanie baby bear collection. My grandma and mom would go hunting for the new bears when they came out and bring them home to add to my collection. I was meticulous about keeping their tags straight and not letting them get roughed up. I thought for sure those things were going to make me rich. At 16, the car and a duffle bag packed with clothes were my priced possessions because they represented my freedom. At 18 it was my dream of blazing through medical school  and working to find a cure for pancreatic cancer.

What is my treasure now? Well, it's no longer much of a what, but a who. It may sound cheesy, but in reality Jesus has become my treasure, and He's promised me great things. I was reflecting in church today about His words and how they impact my life and well... here's just one, very big, example.

Taking off from my treasure at age 18, it's easy to see that things like marriage and family were not really part of my picture. Sure, if some one asked, I would say that I wanted to get married someday and then many years later, after conquering my dreams and developing a successful career and having at least two major publications in popular medical journals as well as owning the perfect home, then maybe I would think about having a kid. Two max. I mean, how could I possibly achieve all those awesome things with little clumsy feet waltzing around me? There was just so much I was equipped to do! High expectations had been placed on me and I had increased them on myself, to do something great with my life and the only definition of that included career prominence.

It's funny how God places people in your life at just the right time for a very particular purpose. I remember one evening, not too long after getting married, Jarrod was confronted by an older friend who asked him when we were going to have children. After describing our plan to wait a few years so I would achieve my great things.... this man challenged us that our definitions of great were wrong. And that, if we looked into the Word, we would find what we were missing. (well, to be honest he was much more frank than that. Men can do that, ya know. It's an odd phenomenon I most definitely do not understand... but that's another post)

playing peek-a-boo
Fast forward. We took our friend's advice and really started searching Scripture for what God considers "great" and "worthy". Among a myriad of other things, we found that parenthood is great. Becoming parents was part of the initial command for Adam and Eve (Gen 1:28). Children are declared to be a gift from the Lord (Ps 127:3). The role of mother is highly praised. It's never said that it's an easy job, or something one should only undertake if they're unable to do anything else. No, it's a very important job (Prov 6). Slowly it all began to sink it. The Lord treasures children. He loves them (Matt 19:13). I want to love what God loves. God doesn't love me to puff up my pride and believe I am this mighty gift to creation, but rather to teach me to serve and to be gentle. To teach me about His steadfast love which endures, and discipline that loves. The most sanctifying experience of my life so far has been taking care of a raising E day in and day out. I fail, often, but I see His hands at work. I'm thankful for how He has moved my heart to treasure the little girl upstairs, and the little bean growing in me. I know having 2 under 2 will not be easy, it may be a very difficult season; it will root out even more of my own selfishness and idol of comfort, but what a great example of the Gospel to the world! Forsaking my own wants to serve others, being a family that though not perfect, seeks to love the Lord and others wholeheartedly, together.

I write this, not to throw stones and condemn anyone who doesn't have a bazillion kids. I understand there can be a season to wait. I also understand that for some, they're arms are open and willing, but the Lord has not blessed them with children yet. No, I write this mostly to recommit myself to not turning up my nose at what God calls a blessing, and to encourage those who think they have to have everything figured out, accomplished, pretty and the world in perfect order before they want children to reconsider.  For those who have embraced the biblical call to raise children in the training and instruction of the Lord (Eph 6:4), thank you. Thank you for being a role model for me and not caving under the public opinion that what you're doing is crazy! (well, it may be crazy, but it's not wrong)

 Alright, gonna try and finish laundry before nap time is over. Have a blessed day!

-the Reeds

oh, p.s: those beanie babies.... definitely still under my bed in a box, secretly hoping they'll be worth something.... someday :)

1 comment:

  1. I just got around to reading this now! This post rings true to my heart! You've captured the words I've been contemplating too. Thanks for this.
