It's a beautiful park, very similar in layout to Kanapaha park for all of
you from Gainesville. Lots of soccer fields, lacross is big here, playground and covered picnic tables. There's a mile long fitness trail that encircles the main park and a few trials offshoot from it into the woods. Jarrod in the lead, we left the well marked trial in search of adventure.
The Japanese honeysuckle was blooming everywhere... mmm it smelled so good! We were really enjoying the scenery and just being out in the Lord's creation. At one point, in the heart of the woods, there was a small.. very faintly marked, trial. Jarrod and Simba started down it with excitement and as a good wife.. I followed. By the time I caught up the them, Jarrod was forging a creek and the dog was anxiously waiting on the bank. It was a pretty stream, and quick moving. I looked around for other crossings when suddenly Jarrod yells, "oh no! my shoe!". The old navy flip flop was racing downstream, bumping into rocks along the way. Jarrod trudged through the water to get to it, I ran down the bank, head-on into the most intricate spider web ever... yuck! All this for a shoe that cost 50 cents...
Long story short, the shoe was recovered and Simba learned water isn't so bad. Though the bath he got after this incident was not quite so enjoyed.
There is also a designated "dog park" area which we explored another day. You can learn a lot at a dog park... here are some lessons we learned:
1) There is a certain type of person who routinely goes to the dog park
2) It is considered very rude to introduce yourself to a person and not to their dog
3) People willingly admit they will remember your dog by name, but wont be able to pick you out of a line-up
4) Failing to "do your duty" (as the sign calls it) and pick up after your dog results in doggie detention-> no one talks to you or lets their dog play with your dog.
All joking aside, the dog park was a great place for us to meet people. Jarrod was able to talk about God's goodness to a woman who openly shared her life's story with us. We hope to go back and have more witnessing opportunities with these people.
A note of praise: I passed my nursing boards!! I am so thankful to have such a vast prayer base, it was definitely your prayers and God's power that got me through that exam! I am still waiting to hear on work, but He is faithful to provide and we are fully trusting Him.
Okay, I've been rambling for a bit and it's time to go.. thanks for reading!
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