Sunday, December 22, 2013

Not By the Books

She's here! FINALLY!

Elora Grace Reed made her debut Thursday evening, and boy if there's one thing we've learned from her already... it's that not everyone or everything goes "by the books"

I was already a nervous wreck, being past my due date and looking like labor was no where in sight. I (semi)joked that this kiddo would just stay in until she started kindergarten. Throughout pregnancy, I wasn't really affected by my being a labor and delivery nurse- wasn't super anxious or concerned about the "what if"s. But all that changed when my due date came and went with no baby.  I had a hard time thinking about anything other than 'what if she gets too big?? what if she can't tolerate labor?' - it was a vicious cycle. So, as you can imagine, I was thrilled when contractions started Wednesday evening during dinner.
We packed big E's bag and sent her to grandma's and Jarrod and I prepped for laboring through the night (He's convinced that babies never come at normal hours). Things were moving along, albeit slowly. We watched a movie and tried to drift off to sleep. Around 5am, I decided that I was ready to go in to the hospital, not so much because baby was coming soon but for needing a change of scenery.
Get there, checked in and settled. Contractions start spacing out.... weird. Still coping well and doing what I can to keep labor moving along. In the back of my mind I think "ok, get her out by lunchtime and I can send Jarrod for panera... that sounds so good!". Little did I know what was in store...

-Side note: Theoretically, first time labor is anywhere from 18-24 hours. Eliaya was about 14-15, lucky me. Most people cut that time in half for their second labor. So, all pregnancy long I had been prepping myself for a 8-10 hour max process. Doable. End in sight.

Okay, so lunchtime comes and ..... still pregnant. No progress, really, since 8am. Very weird. Weirder still is that contractions have near halted..... and stay halted for HOURS. The book says that's not supposed to happen. Discouraged, I take a nurse up on the offer to try accupressure. Let me tell you... I didn't put much stock in it before, mostly from lack of exposure, but I do now! That finally got things going again around 3pm (so much for panera for dinner....) and I was hopeful Elora would make her debut soon. Then comes 6pm.... still no baby. Still no real change. Worry creeps in stronger by the minute. Having done labor unassisted till this point, I nervously think about interventions and medication. Will they be necessary? Is this kiddo gonna fit? I am spent. Utterly exhausted. My (hindsight idolized) plan is quickly fleeting. My nurse, a good friend of mine, suggests using an IV medication to take the edge off for a bit and help me relax. I did this with Eliaya and afterwards she was ready to come. 45 minutes of near bliss. Not sure what I said during those 45 minutes, but it was a much needed break. Check again... still no labor progress. I've gone long past worry and into frantic at this point (revealing my sin tendencies entirely, and it didn't help that I'd been up for near 40 hours at this point). I know I need an epidural and medication to help labor along if I want to avoid a c-section. But ooohhh.... the fear. Jarrod, who had been my strong rock for sure up to this point, literally came to my rescue, sitting by me praying and helping me focus through each difficult contraction. We agree to go ahead with the epidural ,getting all the necessary medicines and prep work as fast as possible. As soon as we're ready.... I get the news that there has been an emergency on the floor and both the anesthesiologist and my OB are stuck in the OR. It will be 15-20 minutes before I can get the epidural. Again, I start to panic. I has braced myself for just a few more contractions before getting some relief and wasn't sure I had the strength to make it any longer. I felt like there was no doable option. Seeing my frantic face, my nurse and husband stood me up (contractions are usually easier to deal with this way). Just a minute or so later and BAM! I had to push. Anyone who has had an unmedicated delivery knows the sensation I'm talking about. You almost get primal. It's like every cell in your body is solely focused on one thing.. pushing.
Sure enough... Elora picks the one time when the MD can't be there to make her debut! After just a few pushes, my RN friends caught little E and the pain was over. Praise the Lord, she's here. She's healthy. She's a peanut! Tears flow and praises utter from my mouth to the Lord. I can't remember if they were voiced or not, but I know He carried me.
For labor with Eliaya, I memorized John 16:21, and it has so much more meaning to me now.
When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.
This time was harder. Longer. I'm sure I said crazy things (one of which was telling Jarrod if he wanted any more they wouldn't be coming from me). But I'm so glad it went the way it did. I learned more about relying on the Lord, being vulnerable with my husband, and the blessing of being a mom in those 24 hours of labor than I had through any other ordeal.

So in short, don't listen to "the books" and what they say should happen. The Lord is sovereign and knew exactly what I needed to experience to break my idol of self-sufficiency, to show me how strong He is, to show me immense patience so I can show it to others, and to how to give a special gift.  I write this all down, not so much because I think any one will find it all that interesting, but I want to remember what the Lord has done for me. I want to be able to reflect on times where I know, beyond any doubt, that He carried me. That being said, if you did read this story... thanks for letting me share. I hope that you are encouraged to trust Him through all circumstances, especially the difficult ones.

Now here are some pics of the little piglet (as she's affectionately called):

 Meeting big sister for the first time! Not necessarily love at first glimpse, but they're definitely fascinated by each other
 Little sis "brought cookies" for Eliaya, that goes a long way with her :)
 Born 12-19-13 at 8:43pm. 6 pounds, 6 ounces and 20 inches long. What a full head of hair!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Do I speak like a rotting carcass?

Psalm 5
David asks God to "Listen to my words, Lord," (Ps 5:1), because he must plead for God's "favor as with a shield," in a particularly evil situation (Ps 5:12). There is a common theme to the evil men who surround David: they are "boastful," and "speak lies" and are like a "deceitful man" (Ps 5:4-6). So, the most probable sin to fit this type of person would be flattery and wicked counsel. It is not difficult to imagine David speaking about one of the wicked counselors either to him when he was king or plotting against him when Saul was king or in Absalom's rebellion. Particularly fitting would be a man like Ahithophel who as David's counselor conspired against him with David's son, Absalom, in a temporarily successful coup. After being told of his adviser's treachery, "David prayed, 'O Lord turn Ahithophel's counsel into foolishness,'"(2 Sam 16:31). If the wicked adviser prompts Psalm 5, David perceives flattery and wicked advice like speech from a dead body that pollutes everything.

"There is no truth in their mouth; their inmost self is destruction; their throat is an open grave; they flatter with their tongue. Make them bear their guilt, O God; let them fall by their own counsels," (Ps 5:9-10).

Is this too harsh? Certainly, to intentionally deceive one who trusts you for your advice is pretty low. History casts out the traitors. Yet, could not Ahithophel have thought that David's indecisive leadership demanded a drastic change? Could he have not reasoned that David's son Absalom possessed exactly the kind of personality and leadership qualities that could turn Israel back to prosperity? Such ends do not justify his treachery, and David's vivid critique is warranted. God is both the source of, and characterized by, truth, so to spew forth lies is blatantly ungodly.

What may be surprising is first that simple flattery is attacked so ruthlessly. Treachery may be vile, but what's wrong with telling someone they look great when in fact they look hideous? One need not berate people to speak truthfully. For advisers, kings needed men who would speak truthfully, and consistently with God's word. A king surrounded by "yes" men was ultimately alone and without counsel. Similarly, we all need friends who will dare to speak honestly more than telling us what they think we want to hear. Why? Because it is through difficult confrontation that we often become keenly aware of our sins, the need for God's help to change, and have the impetus to do so.

The warning in Psalm 5 is clear: do not use words to lie, even in something as seemingly innocuous as flattery, because ultimately such false words only lead to death, potentially for both speaker and listener. Thus, David prays that God would let deceivers fall by their own counsel. The encouragement is twofold. First, do not speak deceitfully, but ask God to "lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness," (Ps 5:8). Part of this prayer includes speaking the truth, and being willing to confront others rather than flattering them. The stronger encouragement is the source of strength to obey, "you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as with a shield," (Ps 5:12). We can dare to speak the unpopular truth, knowing that God leads us to speak truthfully, and takes care of the implications.

This short psalm has implications for evangelism. Many times when we meet someone who needs to hear the gospel we allow natural fear to override Godly zeal. Instead of simply asking a friend, "What do you believe about Jesus?", I will waffle into a more ambiguous category, "Do you go to church?". Do I have the courage to tell someone who does not believe in Jesus that Scripture clearly states they are under (and will be eternally) God's wrath (John 3:36)? This is perhaps the most dramatic case in which telling people what they want to hear is speaking like a rotten carcass, because the Gospel brings life, and the Spirit has already brought us to the opportunity to speak.

For those who suffer from flattery and habitual lying, there is hope. Take refuge in God, and dare to pray like Isaiah, "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips," (Isa 6:5). Embrace forgiveness in Christ after confessing your sin, and ask for His grace to transform your words. Fill your mind with true and truly valuable things, following Paul's advice to the Philippians, "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things," (Phil 4:8). Begin to consciously pray before you speak, asking for His grace to speak kindly and truthfully. You will be amazed at how faithful God is to transform our very words into something true, beautiful, and life-giving.

Toby Mac fittingly sings the command, "Speak life to the deadest darkest night...look into the eyes of the brokenhearted, watch them come alive as soon as you speak hope, you speak love, you speak life," (from "Speak Life").

Friday, September 13, 2013

Slow Down Momma!

We joke that Eliaya has hit the "tornado" phase. Anyone with recent toddler experience probably doesn't need me to expound upon this - essentially E has two speeds, off and 110% go. She can tip apart a clean room in a matter of seconds. Nothing holds her in one place for very long. And her path is chaotic. Try as we may to curb her in one direction, she veers off onto an unexpected path. 

So I have tried to adjust and keep her busy busy busy, not staying in any one place too long and always changing up the venue for our adventures. It's exhausting! I was reminded today of the common reaction to Jesus' words in the Gospels. People were amazed. They stopped what they were doing, even if it was really important and came to see this Man who spoke with great authority. When He commanded the evil spirits out of a man the people replied "And they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, “What is this? A new teaching with authority!" (Mark 1:27). Upon forgiving the sins and healing the lame man, Scripture says "that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!” (Mark 2:12). Even His disciples, those who were with Him all the time are shown as being amazed by His words. (Mark 10:24). 

While at the zoo with friends this morning, E would run full-speed ahead to what ever exhibit caught her little eye. But once she found something, be it a fish, giraffe, or just the flowers along the sidewalk. She stopped. I would call her along, trying to keep the busy-beaver pace so she wouldn't get bored, but she marveled, stood amazed, by the flower. I could see The little wheels in her brain going, taking in the beauty of God's creation. Though her understanding of God is very basic, she is amazed by Him. She takes time to take in the little details revealing His beauty and majesty. 

The Lord often uses E to show me how to be genuine. I'm thankful my God is amazing. I
want to take more time to let myself be amazed by Him. Though life seems to be going 100 miles an hour all the time, I need to slow down. To stop what, though it's important, prevents me from just standing amazed before Him. Mommas, take time to slow down!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Oh, the Discoveries

The mind of a toddler is a curious thing. Or perhaps it's better said to be a mysterious thing... you never know what's about to pop out of the mouth at you!

E has been been very busy these past few months making discoveries, venturing to new heights... literally and figuratively, and becoming a little leader... or revolutionary, depending on who you ask.

rocking on the horse at San Marco park
While friends were in town we ventured to a new park, close to the river. So fun! The kiddos loves watching the people fishing on the side of the road and we must have been good luck because in the 10 minutes we were there they caught 5 fish! E has figured out how to clamor up small slides and discovered the joy not only of going down the slide, but of riding down head first....Eeek! Took me a while, but I'm letting go of my neurotic 1st time mom fears and letting her find boundaries a little more on her own now (applause... thank you thank you...)

A frequent field trip for us now is to feed the ducks. Not sure what it is, but we seem to have the Dr. Dolittle attraction with smelly, gross-stuff eating aquatic birds, geese in particular. This day though, we were lucky and not mobbed by geese and able to feed the resident ducks. Jarrod will tear up the bread, some of the birds will even eat out of his hands! We give a piece to E, and well.. she smashes it in her hands for a while then eventually drops it. Anticlimactic. But she quacks right along with the critters with excitement.

Another discovery, and I'm sure all kids go through this at some point, has been the belly button. I think God made belly buttons mostly for the entertainment of toddlers. Whether we're changing diapers, in the bathtub, or simply happen to run a hand over our belly, we can't help but stick a finger in that little crevice and giggle! She calls it "Bey But". Gotta jot that in the baby book. Speaking of which, any other mom's completely lose the baby book by this time? I'm sure I can sift through and find it, and I've been piling on the guilt... her scrap book of the first year, still have months 10-12 left to do. Goal: finish before Dec and arrival of #2! I'm totally okay with making #2's scrapbook on snapfish. I want to be a scrapbooker... I really do. I want to be a crafty mom. (see earlier post about squares and figure eights) But scrapbooks just aren't it. My new endeavor is painting... don't get your hopes up. We're not talking scenery or portraits, but geometric patterns. This square's gotta have lines to follow!
playing with Silas. Perhaps arranged marriage isn't a bad idea.....
The little leader. Whether it be in church nursery, at a friend's house, the zoo, or target. E likes to climb. EVERYTHING. We've gotten used to this, and there are a few rules we've set that seem to prevent most would-be-lip-splitting-falls, but trying to stop her from climbing up everything is about as likely as keeping ice cream frozen all the way home while driving in rush hour. Don't plan on it. There are a few things E was doomed to inherit from her parents, one being a competitive streak a mile long. So in nursery, she'll climb to the very top of something, then looks down at the other kids (all younger) and suggest they follow her asap. At the zoo, she kept talking to this little boy till her started trying to follow up the play alligator, then she smirked as he couldn't get to with her. This power could be used for good: she takes toys to crying babies to cheer them up, or for evil: I foresee E convincing #2 to partake in some devious activity ....

Hey! We match! Love seeing giraffes at the zoo
In other news, Jarrod has started the fall semester, it'll be really busy through mid-October, but then should slow to a manageable pace. We're stoked after this semester, there are just 7 classes left! That's right, count 'em, 7!!We might survive this M Div after-all :) After that, we still have no clue, but are fully confident that the Lord will lead. I've started working on a catechism with E.  It's super basic, but seeing as how she's just 1.5 years old, it fits. It's great accountability to me: teaching her biblical truths like God created everything and singing songs like 'this little light of mine' spurs me to stay in the Word, to pray hard, and to keep studying. I've been meditation on 1 John the past week, especially chapters 1-2. John makes it clear that there is a firm line between those who know, love and follow God and those who don't. I think in our pseudo-include-everyone-make-no-distinctions mentality we gloss over the fact that there are sheep, and there are goats. You can't be half sheep-half goat. 

And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments. Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him: whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked. (1 John 2:3-6, ESV)

The grace we receive from the Lord through Jesus Christ, that saves us. This grace (through the Word, prayer, accountability with other believers, etc) reaches to the deepest crevices of our hearts and changes everything. We cannot stay the same. We are driven to love what God loves, calling evil what God calls evil, living as He calls us to live. We can't claim our hope is in Christ when our lot is obviously thrown elsewhere. It should be clear to all those watching our lives and listening to our speech that we are followers of Christ. Not because those works save us, but because when we realize who has saved us, from what and to what great lengths He went to do so... we can't help but respond with praise and an obedient life. 
Time for mom duties to resume... but I hope this encouraged you.

Till the next edition,
-the Reeds


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Beauty of a Daddy's Girl

I used to think the "daddy's girl" concept was just a pretty euphemism more referencing a dad's ability to become totally twitter-pated with their daughters. Dad's want to protect their daughters, be it from scraped knees, reckless drivers, or the end-it-be-all... boys. Dad's see their daughters as precious treasure in need of guarding. It hasn't been until now, with E's personality in full bloom, that I see the relationship goes both ways.
We have lots of fun throughout the day - swimming, reading, climbing everything. Around 5:00, I'll start making dinner and Eliaya goes around collecting bracelets, hats, shoes.... when daddy calls to say he's almost home, she begs me to help her put on the dress up accessories and makes a bee-line to the gate next to the front door. The most excited squeal, most rapid feet-stomping, biggest smile, all come the instant daddy walks in the door. You can see it written on her face, "yes! daddy's home to play, I've waited for this all day! He is my daddy and I love him!".

Scripture tells us that God made humans male and female, both in His image (Gen 1:26-27). Different in form, different in roles but entirely equal in worth. I used to be so convinced that I could do anything a man could do, we should be entirely "equal", and by that I meant the same, in all things. The feminist movement rooted home plate in my world-view. Even after becoming a Christian I struggled with wanting to be whom ever I wanted to be, without boundaries. I had no desire to be a pastor or to teach the men of the church, but I wanted that door to be open to me.
We live in a competitive world, we seek to rank everything. Have you noticed this? Movies are rated in the box office by which makes the most money, careers are ranked not by job satisfaction but by which one will make the most money, neighborhoods are ranked by highest average home value. Goodness me even grocery items are ranked by most frequently purchased! God did not create man then create woman with inherently less value. We're both heirs in Christ, both given the mission in the garden to be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it (Gen 1:28), both called to turn from our rebellion against God and be rescued by Him, both called part of the body (the church), and both given the commission to go out and tell others how great and deserving of worship the Lord is. Equal worth. But the Bible is also clear that there are different roles to be filled by men and women (1 Corinthians, Ephesians, Colossians, and Titus all speak to this issue directly) *I wont go into all the details of that now, perhaps Jarrod and I will work on a post together later to talk about this specifically and how it should play out in the home and in life.*
What we don't hear from the media and common world-view is that both roles are equally needed. Through much prayer and unpacking of emotional baggage, I see that the reason I wanted to be "the same" with men was I wanted to be valued, I wanted to be needed, and I wanted to be in control. The first two are (in proper place) desires rightly fulfilled through taking on the role God says is mine to fill! The last is a product of sin, part of the curse that I, in Christ, need to do battle with daily. There is great joy in fulfilling my role as a Christian woman. Learning to value what God says is valuable and be who He says I am... that's where I find freedom. My role is not the same as Jarrod's, and that's a wonderful thing. Our roles, working together, are teaching E and those around us about God and His relationship with man. If we were both the same, it wouldn't be the beautiful picture of Christ and the church. Us being equal worth and different roles is vital.

So, when Eliaya runs to her daddy and he embraces her after a long day's work, I smile. She's learning what the Bible says men are to be and what she is to become as a woman. She's learning that both are of greatest value to Jesus. And perhaps most of all, Jarrod's love to her is modeling the love of the heavenly Father, whom we hope one day, she will know.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Who Needs Toys?

It's funny what we think we need.
I find during pregnancy that I am especially susceptible to creative advertising. If some entree has 4-point vocab words in its description, I'm going for it. If a box says this product will replace 4 in your kitchen, I'll want it (despite the fact that I don't even have / use the 4 items it would be replacing....) And man oh man am I in trouble if the late night info-mercials start rolling. Take away the phone!

E has definitely inherited this not-so-wonderful trait from me. She could have finished a 3 course meal and be saying "all done all done" with smiles and and a protruding belly, but if 15 minutes later some one else is must eat now too. Or the world will end. Violently. When she was littler, she would have a paci in her mouth, but if she spotted another one, she craved it as well. You never know when the paci in your mouth just wont satisfy anymore and it's always good to have a spare I suppose.
eating, she is whole heatedly convinced that she

Spoiled is an adequate term for E. She has very generous grandparents who have showered her with toys. Some of them are quite fun - she has this vacuum which sings as you push it along. E will walk it a few feet, then stop to dance to the music. Video to come later. With all the toys, you'd think she'd be content always. But the highlight of this child's week was going to Costco and getting a giant box. There are so many uses for a box- it's a hiding place, it's a stage, it's a reading corner, it's a climbing station, it's a great dog chaser... the uses go on and on!

Lesson being, we think we have need of many things. We crave. We've been taught to seek more and more and more, even past what we know we need. Stockpile. Hoard. Approach life with a "what can I get" mentality. When the truth is, there's only one thing, one Person, who will truly and fully satisfy those deep longings. Jesus. Matthew 6:8 "your Father knows what you need before you ask Him". What would we look like if instead we sought more and more stuff we worked to have deeper relationships, first with Christ then with others? I'm surprised by the life lessons I learn from watching E. She would rather play with mommy and a box than all the noise-making-light-flashing toys in existence. Would I rather spend time with Jesus and being like Him than at the pool, watching a movie, etc?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Lizards, Goose Eggs and Other Summer Festivities

The more Eliaya grows up, the more Jarrod I see in her. She may look like me, but her little adventuring heart is 100% daddy.

This past weekend Jarrod headed to the office to get some work done (somehow our house is just never quiet... hmmm). E and I were going about our day, breakfast, dressed, dishes... the usual. As we packed up the diaper bag to head to the grandparents, E picked up her shoes then stood, very focused, by the front door. I tried calling a few times, but what ever had captivated her was not letting go any time soon. Getting my own stuff together and wandering to see what was so fascinating, I screamed. Lizard. On a shoe. In the house. Meanwhile E is all smiles and waddles over in attempts to catch the crawler. She misses, of course, and the little guy scaled up the blinds. While I frantically call Jarrod in hopes he'll have some miraculous ability to speak and have the lizard leave the premises, E is picking up the other shoes. Long story short... Jarrod did not have any wonderful advice but did have quite a good laugh at my predicament. With the front door open we managed to "shoo" the reptile out the door and E handed a shoe up to me with what else.... another lizard on top! Poor guy went flying through the air as I hurled the show into the grass. In retrospect... the throw was probably unnecessary, but it made me feel better. When we finally made it outside to leave, Eliaya squats right next to the grass and starts chatting, I think she was telling her friends to come back later :)
pushing the watermelon around the room

We've had a walker on our hands now for a few months, and she's gotten pretty good. E can go over pillows, backwards, spin in a circle- her resume abounds with talent. But for some reason, the past 3 days have been accident city! Yesterday afternoon I was making lunch in the kitchen and she was singing to the radio. I heard her coming towards me so I peered around the corner and WHACK. Head into the corner of the wall. She's made this turn a thousand times, and the corner hasn't moved... Regardless of reasons, she got her first goose egg on the noggin. Perhaps this is a dual reminder from the Lord that I'm not a perfect mom and E is still a bit clumsy. She didn't even cry really, just hung out on the floor till I came and picked her up. When I had a small ice bag on her forehead, she thought it was a game and would push it off an hold it on her stuffed animal's head for a second too.

Another way she's like daddy: while Jarrod was sitting at the kitchen table reading for school, E crawled through chairs to get to the bookshelf. She picked up a good book (Michael Crichton, can't go wrong), opened it and started talking as she turned the page. She just wanted to be doing what daddy was doing. Sweet.
we LOVED playing the pool with cousin Emma!
 Moment of confession: I've had a really grouchy past few days. If you've tried to call me and I avoided you... sorry. I'm not 100% sure what my deal is, but I've definitely been in a funk. I think it's feeling like I'm in a constant state of transiency. Not knowing where we're going to be or what we'll be doing this time next year. I need to be okay with not knowing. I've been reading Acts and I can't ever imagine the sense of loneliness / transiency that Paul must have felt. Never being in one place "permanently" and not being entirely sure where he was heading next at times. I think the Lord is rooting out an idol of comfort in me. Growing in hard, but I know the end product is so worth it. So, again. Sorry if you've had the unfortunate opportunity to be in my rampage path.... things will get better because the Lord is good and He will finish what He starts. Amen!
Definitely a water baby :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

4 Highlights of Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! I hope all of you had a great time celebrating with the mothers in your life. I had an especially good day and wanted to share just a peek of the best parts:

1) Breakfast. With working nights.... I am even more so not a morning person anymore. At all. I really would prefer for my day to start around 9, but with a 1 year old that's nearly impossible. So, I woke up yesterday around 7 to clanking coming from the kitchen, "aw, how sweet, Jarrod's cooking" I thought, then promptly hit my internal snooze button. 730 rolls around and I can hear E stirring in her crib, and this delightful smell wafts up the stairs.... mmmmm, Jarrod's cooking something good! We headed downstairs and had a feast of pumpkin pancakes and fruit. Delicious. He knows all my favorites

2) Celebrating with family lunch. We had 4 generations around for the afternoon and it really hit me that this is no small deal. How rare is it to get 4 generations in one place, and for us to do it often??? We're very blessed. I learned that E really likes laying in a hammock that afternoon too. We swayed back and forth under a canopy and birds flitted from branch to branch. With eyes half closed she would reach her hand up and wave to the birds, then snuggle back up beside me and we just enjoyed listening to the party and being close. She's so active, inquisitive and talkative now that moments of snuggling are few and far between. I will remember and treasure this one.

3) New friends! We had dinner with new friends from church, and as silly as it sounds were reminded that everyone, myself chiefly of all, likes to be liked. I'm not quite sure what the sociological term is, but in a group more often than not everyone feels they are outside of the "cool kid" group, waiting to be invited in. Even those who others would say they are the leaders of the cool group feel like outsiders sometimes. It's so so important to be intentional, to be perceptive, to care about others. Even in a smaller church where one could realistically know everyone, making an effort to spend time with some one, to show them that you want to invest in their life and vice-versa, is vital.

4) Crossing off one of my man-this-would-be-awesome-someday's. Jarrod hooked up one of those rainfall shower heads and while I'm fully aware that it is entirely frivolous and one can easily get just as clean with a traditional shower head..... whoa. Best shower ever. I'm sure I racked up the water bill on that first one, but it was quite possibly to most relaxing 15 minutes of the past year. Can't wait to take another one. Thank you Jarrod!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Embracing the Corners

I will finish this post... I will finish this post... I will finish

Not sure if it's being pregnant, having a little one, working nights, or some combination thereof, but man oh man have I been tired!! But now I'm determined to finish this post, even if it means missing nap time.

So, recently a friend told me about a personality test she and a group of friends took. The "types" were square, circle, triangle and figure eight. Squares are those who do things a certain way, every time and that's the only way to do things. They're great with details and hyper organized. Circles are a muted version of a square, they like things done a certain way but can be flexible.... if they have to. Triangle's main concern is getting everyone in the group to reach an agreement, they work to build morale. Figure eights are those who are very creative and always willing to try new things, but have a hard time staying focused on one task.
Well, I kept thinking about those types, and mused on how I so long to be a figure eight. I want to be the creative, fly by the seat of my pants, easy going, unpredictable one. It sounds like so much fun. I can work really hard and am actually growing in my "crafting" ability (thank you pinterest).
Then came Friday.

Friday night if family time in our house. We were all going a bit stir crazy because it had been raining for 3 days straight and there's only so many laps Eliaya can do in the living room before she gets bored. We decided to clean up our little porch and make another play room. After sweeping up a good inch of pollen and wiping down all the chairs, it was ready. She had so much fun! Throwing tennis balls, trying to catch lizards though they were on the outside of the screen, and watching the rain were so much fun she didn't even want to come in for dinner! (If you know E.... this is a big deal, haha) After dinner, I was able to vacuum the whole house, clean the kitchen and disinfect all counters. Then a wave of joy just welled up inside me. I was so pleased. Then it hit me......

I am most definitely a square.

Despite all my best efforts and deep desires to be fun-and-fancy free, I am a girl who loves structure. When the whole house is clean at once (a rarity) I can't help but smile. When I save more than I spend at the grocery store, same result. Honestly, I was a bit sad. Being a square just seemed so... dull.

The days following, the Lord has been so good to show me that it takes all types. A room full of squares.... definitely a disaster. But the same could be said for a room full of figure eights. As a square, I help keep a group on task, help to work out the details to make big dreams feasible, and get joy out of doing some of the mundane tasks (ie, sweeping the pollen covered porch). So, I'm learning to embrace my corners. I can 'fake it' as a circle to be a team player.... but deep down, I really am a square, and that's okay.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

How to Keep a 1 Year Old Busy

A list of the frequent attempts to occupy a busy girl:

  • set up little toys on shelves around the living room and kitchen then have her push the cart and go "shopping"
  • Books. Any book. Side note... be prepared to read it again and again and again
  • Go through photo albums and let her find all the pictures of mama and dada. See note above
  • Build a fort and climb in it
  • Play peek-a-boo when the blanket fort collapses
  • Let her put her feet in the sink while you wash dishes
  • Then let her help mop the floor with all the water she splashes out
  • Finger paint! For great recipe, check here
  • Go for a walk
  • Play with poker chips, helping her to sort them by color
  • Climb the stairs, staying right behind her of course. 
  • "Fold" laundry. Or unfold if you're Eliaya, that's a much better game
  • Tear up junk mail and let her take each piece to the trash
  • Dance to the ABCs
  • Tickle monster during diaper changes
  • Go to a playground! Jax friends, check out this one
  • Give her a rag and let her "dust" with you
  • Chase her around the living room
  • Chase her with the vacuum (a personal favorite in our house, Eliaya laughs, Simba barks)
  • Let her play with the pretend credit cards in an old wallet
  • Color cards for daddy
  • Play date!
  • When you've done all that, it's bath time!
  • Be sure to snuggle some every day :)
It's amazing to me how much a 1 year old can do! To think, just a year ago she was kinda in the "blob" phase where she was definitely cute.... but not so interactive. I'm thankful for a busy kid who wants to get into everything. At the moment, she's trying to get the costco sized miniwheats box on her head. Oh, success! 

Gotta go catch her before she runs into something, just wanted to create a snap shot of what we do for fun. I hope you have a great day!

-the Reeds

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Where your heart is.....

There your treasure will be also.

What is treasure? When I was 6 it was my beanie baby bear collection. My grandma and mom would go hunting for the new bears when they came out and bring them home to add to my collection. I was meticulous about keeping their tags straight and not letting them get roughed up. I thought for sure those things were going to make me rich. At 16, the car and a duffle bag packed with clothes were my priced possessions because they represented my freedom. At 18 it was my dream of blazing through medical school  and working to find a cure for pancreatic cancer.

What is my treasure now? Well, it's no longer much of a what, but a who. It may sound cheesy, but in reality Jesus has become my treasure, and He's promised me great things. I was reflecting in church today about His words and how they impact my life and well... here's just one, very big, example.

Taking off from my treasure at age 18, it's easy to see that things like marriage and family were not really part of my picture. Sure, if some one asked, I would say that I wanted to get married someday and then many years later, after conquering my dreams and developing a successful career and having at least two major publications in popular medical journals as well as owning the perfect home, then maybe I would think about having a kid. Two max. I mean, how could I possibly achieve all those awesome things with little clumsy feet waltzing around me? There was just so much I was equipped to do! High expectations had been placed on me and I had increased them on myself, to do something great with my life and the only definition of that included career prominence.

It's funny how God places people in your life at just the right time for a very particular purpose. I remember one evening, not too long after getting married, Jarrod was confronted by an older friend who asked him when we were going to have children. After describing our plan to wait a few years so I would achieve my great things.... this man challenged us that our definitions of great were wrong. And that, if we looked into the Word, we would find what we were missing. (well, to be honest he was much more frank than that. Men can do that, ya know. It's an odd phenomenon I most definitely do not understand... but that's another post)

playing peek-a-boo
Fast forward. We took our friend's advice and really started searching Scripture for what God considers "great" and "worthy". Among a myriad of other things, we found that parenthood is great. Becoming parents was part of the initial command for Adam and Eve (Gen 1:28). Children are declared to be a gift from the Lord (Ps 127:3). The role of mother is highly praised. It's never said that it's an easy job, or something one should only undertake if they're unable to do anything else. No, it's a very important job (Prov 6). Slowly it all began to sink it. The Lord treasures children. He loves them (Matt 19:13). I want to love what God loves. God doesn't love me to puff up my pride and believe I am this mighty gift to creation, but rather to teach me to serve and to be gentle. To teach me about His steadfast love which endures, and discipline that loves. The most sanctifying experience of my life so far has been taking care of a raising E day in and day out. I fail, often, but I see His hands at work. I'm thankful for how He has moved my heart to treasure the little girl upstairs, and the little bean growing in me. I know having 2 under 2 will not be easy, it may be a very difficult season; it will root out even more of my own selfishness and idol of comfort, but what a great example of the Gospel to the world! Forsaking my own wants to serve others, being a family that though not perfect, seeks to love the Lord and others wholeheartedly, together.

I write this, not to throw stones and condemn anyone who doesn't have a bazillion kids. I understand there can be a season to wait. I also understand that for some, they're arms are open and willing, but the Lord has not blessed them with children yet. No, I write this mostly to recommit myself to not turning up my nose at what God calls a blessing, and to encourage those who think they have to have everything figured out, accomplished, pretty and the world in perfect order before they want children to reconsider.  For those who have embraced the biblical call to raise children in the training and instruction of the Lord (Eph 6:4), thank you. Thank you for being a role model for me and not caving under the public opinion that what you're doing is crazy! (well, it may be crazy, but it's not wrong)

 Alright, gonna try and finish laundry before nap time is over. Have a blessed day!

-the Reeds

oh, p.s: those beanie babies.... definitely still under my bed in a box, secretly hoping they'll be worth something.... someday :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013


So awhile ago I caved and joined in on the pinterest craze. Obsessive hardly covers it. With ideas abounding, the 1st birthday party planning went into high gear. Now, on this side of all the festivities- I'm glad we went with the goldfish theme. I think it all turned out really well :)

Here's some of my favorite moments:

 The cake and dessert table. After 3 failed attempts at making my own cake icing (it was soo runny, but still delicious) and a midnight run to the grocery for premade icing... everything was ready!

 The finished cake! Ok, so I didn't dye the second batch of orange icing quite the same... but for this being my first make-it-yourself cake... not bad :)

And it tasted pretty darn good too, if I do say so myself. 2 batches of cake mix in a 13x9 pan, take a bread knife once cooled and angle off your corners. Take two to make the tail fins. I used the other two to make E's smash cake

 Playing with cousin Anna in the ball pit! This was so much fun. The kids could crawl in and out and throwing the balls was a huge hit Bday buds!

 E loved opening presents, especially taking the tissue paper out and holding cards.
 Mmmmmm!! Favorite treat ever!

I bet, if left unchecked, she could eat her weight in these fish

 I think all the kiddos had a good time, what an awesome day to celebrate Eliaya's birth!

Turning 1 is a big deal. We really want to teach E that giving is better than receiving, so with that she wants to share some big news:

She's gonna be a big sister!

We're super excited the Lord is blessing us with another peanut, debut to be early December :)
-the Reeds

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Springing to a new season

Whew! What a crazy busy 2 weeks!

I started my new job, went through and very.... thorough orientation. Most days I drove to the downtown campus. Mix my disdain for driving + big city rush hour traffic + never quite leaving "on time" = stressed adrenal glands and a (slight) overcomsumption of chocolate covered almonds.

Did my first 12 yesterday, and aside from achy feet, I surivived! Seeing has how the last 12 I did was back before Eliaya, I saw this as quite the accomplishment. The phrase "the calm before the storm" takes on new significance in labor & delivery. The board looks great on a Monday morning... uh oh, you know craziness is about to ensue. But kudos to the team, we made it out alive. Shout out to BHE L&D.... miss you guys!

Jarrod and I have been, well, honestly it's been a very rough past few weeks spiritually. While in seminary-land, and even before really, we heard of problematic theology and the rise of "liberal" thinking in the church, but had not experienced it firsthand. It's been a bit of a reality check, and to prevent becoming one of those bloggers who rants-on-the-verge-of-gossips-online-instead-of-addressing-problems, I'll leave the details out. The Lord is using this to stir passion in us to search out His Word and find answers and work on clearly communicating them. I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY (caps intentional) recommend Mark Dever's book The Church: the Gospel Made Visible. He draws out false thinking, ie if something is not essential for salvation it is then unimportant and dissmissable, and works through why we should care about the practices in the church. Paring Scripture with every point, he speaks plainly and unapologetically  I have learned so much, and I'm only 1/2 way through. Read it.

This kid is almost 1 year old!!! Holy smokes. When did that happen?? She's been a busy-bee, here's a list of new accomplishments:

- now we can climb... everything.
The stairs, on the coffee table, and her favorite, the rocking chair -->
She pushes it up to just below the window, climbs up and just laughs and laughs as it wiggles back and forth. I'm sure at some point she'll come tumbling backwards and I'll don the cape and rush to the rescue, vowing that she'll never do it again (first time mom after all) and we'll snuggle till she's better. But for now, I'll enjoy as she enjoys and be thankful.

- we're making the jump to regular milk (praise the Lord the pumping days are done!). She didn't seem to mind.... too much, so long as the milk was warmed. We're learning she's quite particular, not about taste or texture, but the temperature of her food.

 - She LOVES books. They probably fall second on the list only to goldfish. She'll pull one out, open it in her lap and start reading "bah bah da bah ba" -turn page- "da ba ma ma bah". Precious. Then when she's done she will come find your lap and give you the book to read. It's neat to see her attention span increase day by day. A month ago we could read maybe 2 pages in a kids cardboard book before she would lose interest. Now she'll watch and listen through 2-3 pages of the Jesus storybook Bible!

Perhaps the most exciting update... drum roll please........
She can walk! She took her first steps last Monday (11th). Standing next to me, I threw her paci onto Jarrod's chest (he was reading on the floor), she looked at me, then step-step-step, crouched down to pick it up, then stood up and looked back gleaming "look mom, I can get that!". Once she realized what she accomplished, she promptly fell down. Such has been the case since. If motivated by paci, milk or the dog, she'll waddle around, but once cognizant of the situation, quickly returns to crawling. Awesome.

We're in the midst of birthday preparations, tons of pictures to come. It's a "goldfish" theme (how appropriate, I know) and it is single-handedly responsible for me caving in and joining pinterest! Here's the first creation ------>

Straw wreath (14"), 170 7" balloons, 200 floral pins, 2-3 feet of ribbon, cardboard for the hat and a picture of baby girl. Took about 3 hours for this uncrafty lady to finish it all. I really like it!

Alright friends, nap time is just about over. I hope you have a wonderful day and to my Christian brothers and sisters, I pray that you would seek the Lord steadfastly and would stand firm in Truth, unswerving in the throws of popular opinion. Our God is true, mighty and so worthy of praise. Romans 11:33-36 says "Oh the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and how inscrutable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counselor? Or who has given a gift to Him that he might be repaid? For from Him and to Him and through Him are all things. To Him be glory forever, amen."

with love,
-the Reeds

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Messiness is close to holiness, right?

It's been a busy month in the Reed household, here are some highlights:

We went to our first kid's birthday party. What an adventure! Jarrod and I debated on the way there... what exactly does one do at a 1 year old's party? Our curiosity was quickly enlightened: it's much like being at a petting zoo. If you want the animals, or in this case, newly-and-nearly 1 year olds, to come up to you and play, simply hold out food! The appetizers of choice were of course goldfish and cheerios. The kiddos were rather indiscriminate regarding who they are fed by; even Eliaya who normally shies away from new people was quick to speed-crawl to the nearest open palm.
This was perhaps my favorite activity. Pack n play + plastic balls = impromptu ball pit! Brilliant. As you can see, Eliaya was holding her own with the boys :) E had a blast playing with her friends (there was even some sharing going on!) and Jarrod and I enjoyed time with friends who are in similar life-stages.  The idea-board is rolling... E's FIRST BIRTHDAY is only a few weeks away! The craziness of this truth is mind-blowing  What a fantastic year. Lots of blessings. Definitely gonna celebrate :)

Valentine's day was an adventure... bravery (or perhaps insanity) was the overriding sense that morning and Eliaya and I made edible finger pain. Oh what fun ensued. She "painted" some valentines for Jarrod and family. I couldn't help but smile as she timidly spread her fingers in the pink goo, smiled, then fiercely rose and plummeted her hand back into the puddle of paint. Splatters shot everywhere: her face, the stove, the floor. Then a full-fledged belly laugh. Pure joy.

In the midst of our painting festivities, she discovered the edible nature of our paint. And, of course, Eliaya is a great eater. So... we were pretty much done making valentines and went more for a face-painting/eating routine. My inner clean-freak wanted to halt all craziness, but she was having so much fun. So, after all the paint had begun to dry and I had one content kiddo on my hands, we headed for the shower. Luckily, it all washed off, no problem, and even came right out of her clothes. Perfect! 
*Recipe for edible finger paint:  (taken from
2 cups flour
1/2 cup of sugar
2 teaspoons of salt
2 cups cold water
2 cups hot water
Food Coloring

Slowly mix your flour, sugar, and salt into a bowl and stir in the cold water. Once it is mixed well, stir in the warm water. Divide the mixture into separate dishes and add 2-3 drops of food coloring per dish. Stir well until the color is the hue you wish it to be. 
You are ready to begin!

I made this in  a half batch, and it still  made a LOT for one child, consider making 1/4 recipe for 1-2 colors, and a half batch for 3 or more colors. They also keep for a week or so in the fridge if you, like  me, make to much at first and wanna save some for later 

Jarrod and I went hiking for our valentine's getaway. It was so refreshing. He found a neat preserve a little south of where we live and we did between 6-7 miles. Every time we get time together outside of the business of normal life, I'm reminded of how important it is for us to make time for us. To stay best friends. To be silly. To explore. To  have fun.

I've been reading through the book of John recently, and this verse has been on my mind continually:
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. (John 3:36 ESV)
Believing in the Son leads to eternal life, believing inherently entails obedience. For those who do not obey, they rightfully remain where we all deserve to be: in God's wrath.

I hope you have a marvelous week, believing God and living as ambassadors for His kingdom!
-the Reeds

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Oh the things we can do....

I've decided that with mobility comes the inevitable proclivity towards repetition and destruction (and repetitive destruction).  How have I come to this conclusion you ask?  Let's recap the past 24 hours......

Yesterday was a laundry day, not much unlike any other. Eliaya and Simba like to lay on the clothes while I fold them so the three of us were having just a grand old time. Here's E trying on her clean hat:
While putting clothes away, E scampered into the bathroom and started playing with her bath toys. All good. Then came the silence.... the kind that settles in the pit of your stomach as you just know something outside the realm of expected in happening. Walking into the bathroom, and Eliaya is still playing with her duck.... in the toilet. Blech! I promise, the lid was closed. It's always closed. How this kid managed to hoist it up.... not sure. But the skills of this almost 10 month old are far from limited to such trickery as lid-opening.......

So we cleaned that up, and while I was putting clothes away in the closet, she was playing on the floor a mere 6 feet away. Seems safe, right? Not only did duckie go for a swim.... but E decided it would also be good for him to take a cave tour through our VCR (yes.... we still have, and use, a VCR. Finish laughing..... okay, now to continue). So I excavated the rubber duck, then picked up E and we put clothes away together.....

Fast forward to dinner time.... We've picked up the toy minefield so daddy could walk through, and are in the kitchen cooking. Eliaya chases after Simba back towards the living room. I call her saying "it's time to eat"... and there's nothing... the eery silence again. Mind you, this child normally breaks land-speed records to get to food. I mean, she REALLY loves to eat. So this silence was all the more concerning.

In a matter of seconds, the minefield had been entirely recreated. This kid's really got some skill. We played for a while, the went back to dinner. Oh well if the biscuits were a little on the done side.... we had fun :)
taking our very important call
The last houdini adventure, that I know of.... was this morning. Not wanting E to go to kindergarten still being swaddled to sleep, we've been working on going to sleep (and more importantly staying so) without it. Last night was the best sleep she, and therefore I, have had in a long time. I go in at 7 to get her, she's all smiles standing in her crib waiting to be picked up. Just like normal, we head to the dresser to get changed and dressed for the day. Upon opening her sleep sack, I find a naked baby! Her diaper was crumpled up in the bottom corner and she just giggled and clapped. How she managed this one? Still have no idea..... Anyway, she went straight into the tub for an emergency bath (no diaper meaning a rather messy child) and so another day began.

I say all this in jest, and mostly out of admiration for the amazing, talented (houdini skills are hard to come by you know) and fun baby. I cannot imagine a better blessing. I am so thankful. Yesterday was an awful anniversary in this country, 40 years since abortion was legalized. Becoming a mother has made this atrocity hit so much closer to home. I think about the children, who will fight for them? For their rights? I think about the women and the aftermath they must face as consequence for this choice. I read a very convicting article, here's a snipit: "The ending of abortion cannot be separated from the raising up of an adoption movement. Both concern wanting and loving children, born and unborn—and loving them enough to make them our own sons and daughters if they are left fatherless. In the Father’s house, there are no unwanted children."

I am so thankful to our church in Louisville for the passion for defending the fatherless they showed me. So thankful for a husband who faithfully fathers our daughter. So thankful to be adopted by my Father. So thankful for Christians around the world who are leading the way in living out "pro-life". So thankful for friends who believe children are a blessing, even on Mondays. 

I pray this would stir your heart too. Stir your heart to hug the children in your life, to verbally encourage other parents when they're tempted to see the hardship and not the gift of children, to serve in the church nursery, to really pray about adoption. I will be right there with you.

-the Reeds

ps: growling means happiness.... right?